Friday, January 2, 2009

Tagged by Elyn

Tagged by dear Elyn mUi

=) Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people

1. Name the persons you tagged.
messi ming
jie bei
ter sern
2. Describe yourself in one word.
3. Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
4. Have you ever loved someone before but never had the courage to tell him/her?
yeahh :]
5. How if people reject your confess face to face?
urhh.. just accept it.
6. God is giving u just 5 more minutes before going back to heaven, IF you love someone special, what will you say to that person?
i've never regret that i love you. Meet in my next life.
7. What will u say to a person who doesn't want to believe u?
Whatever ^^Idiot Min
8. Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?
yeahh =)
9. Do you have something important with you all the time?
my parents and friends
10. Long distance love ?
depends xD*
11. Best place to cry?
12. Who do you love the most?
someone special to me =P
13. Tell us of your dream last night?
forgotten. hahax.
14. Ever hated someone so bad?
uhmm.. yup.. Just fucked off..
15. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
yes.. dOn't want to mension about it..
16. The last person you had a beer with?
my father
17. The last person you went to the movies with?
yew kheng
18. The last person you talked on the cell phone with?
qi ee
19. The last person you hugged?
secret. =D
20. The last person you yelled at?
21. In the last week have you kissed someone?
I don't know.
22. Think of the last time you were angry, why were you angry?
Hmm.. never think about sad memory.
23. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
i got a lots of wishes. *winks
24. If you could have an all expense paid trip, where will you go?
25. Are you old fashioned?
no. But I like oldies song.
26. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
27. Five facts About Me:
active in sports
28. Five things that scare me:
hot weather
lala girl
being hurted
being betrayed
29. Two Songs Playing in My Head Lately:
Sara Bareilles - Love Song
Ketty Perry - Hot and Cold
30. Five Things I treasure in my life:
music and sports in my life
my handphones
my family

the end (:

Wishes: Happy Birthday to Kenji Loh Yi Yi =)

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